Something to think about as we enter the new school year.

As we enter into a new school session we'd like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a productive, fulfilling, and successful year. Hopefully these words will help to get you going in a positive direction, and please remember that together we can achieve great things.

"I've learned that asking questions isn't a sign of weakness, rather, it demonstrates curiosity, engagement, and intelligence."
April Underwood

A word from our founder

We've had a tough winter season in our region this year. But, spring is fast approaching with the promise of warmer weather, and an end to the mountains of snow we've been living with these past few months. As we buckle down, and begin to work our way through the second half of this school year, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on our individual roles, and how they work in concert to ensure the success of everyone on the YEES team.

Anyone belonging to an organized group has a specific role to play within that group. When that role is performed well, not only does the individual benefit, but the group, as a whole, benefits as well. The YEES team only succeeds when all of our members play their roles to the best of their ability.

We've found that to build a rock solid team we need to focus on three primary roles: teachers teach, parents parent, and students focus on learning. In other words, teachers aren't parents, they are teachers charged with educating the students in their care. Parents need to focus on raising your kids to be successful. They are your children and not your friends. That's often a difficult distinction to make, but a necessary one. Students, your job is to learn, to grow and to ask questions. You have an entire team focused on ensuring your success. Use that team to the fullest and benefit from all the resources at your disposal.

When each of these roles are performed well the entire team grows and succeeds.

My wish for everyone, associated with YEES, is for continued success throughout the rest of this school year.

Mike Patnaude

Welcome to the YEES Blog

Welcome to our blog. This is where we'll be posting regular updates about our program. Come back often to see the exciting things happening with our kids and with our staff. Thanks for visiting us and we hope to see you again soon. 

The success of our kids is our number one goal!

The success of our kids is our number one goal!